by Affluencepr | Jun 15, 2021 | PR and Marketing Tips, PR Case Studies
The media landscape categories of paid media, owned media and earned media are all in a day’s work for PR professionals. Understanding the place of each of these in a company’s public relations efforts will help in exploring ways of increasing publicity that your...
by Affluencepr | Jan 22, 2021 | PR Case Studies, Others
Founded in 2018, Planet Beyond was established by 4 MIT and Harvard entrepreneurs with a common goal of creating a better world, starting with better products – better performance, better aesthetics and better for the environment. Between the strong foundations in...
by Affluencepr | Jan 22, 2021 | PR Case Studies, Others
With 400 outlets, serving over 125 cities, Ferns N Petals has an unrivalled position in the gifting industry. Since establishing a regional office in Singapore 17 months ago, it has been literally working extended hours to bring carefree convenience to customers and...
by Affluencepr | Dec 27, 2020 | Media Events, PR and Marketing Tips, PR Case Studies, Behind the Scenes
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the...
by Affluencepr | Apr 23, 2020 | PR Case Studies
We wonder what was running through the minds of our fellow comms professional of when they approved the copy and published the introduction of the Virus Vanguard, a quintet of 5 Covid-19 comic/anime style warriors to honour our frontliners or help battle...
by Affluencepr | Sep 17, 2018 | PR Case Studies
Did you know Singapore hosted Grand Prix race in 1965 at Thomson Road? It continued until 1973 when it all ceased due to various reasons like unsuitability of the track for racing, inconvenience of road closures for the event and fatal accidents during the 1972 and...