by Affluencepr | Jul 13, 2021 | PR and Marketing Tips, Behind the Scenes
When it comes to earning the public’s trust in your brand, there is surely no shortcut! Inclusivity and diversity in one’s brand are crucial in gaining the trust of people. In 2021, brands demonstrating inclusivity should not be rare. Rather, it should be the norm!...
by Affluencepr | Mar 22, 2021 | PR and Marketing Tips, Behind the Scenes
March is the month of International Women’s Day and this global, international event honours the contributions and achievements of women around the world. This is a recognition that should not be conferred only once a year but an awareness that runs through our daily...
by Affluencepr | Dec 27, 2020 | Media Events, PR and Marketing Tips, PR Case Studies, Behind the Scenes
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the...
by Affluencepr | Nov 13, 2020 | Media Events, Behind the Scenes
For those who can imagine a world where bubble tea was not commonplace and could walk a few feet without seeing a bubble tea counter greeting customers with the refreshing thought of gulping down a smooth, aromatic and delicious cup of milk tea with orbs of tapioca...
by Affluencepr | Sep 8, 2020 | Behind the Scenes
We are pleased to announce that Affluence Public Relations has just been awarded Public Relations Company of the Year by Singapore Prestige Awards 2020! We are immensely honoured to receive this recognition. In the current climate of uncertainty and flux in the...
by Affluencepr | Sep 4, 2020 | Behind the Scenes
The Top Public Relations Trends of 2020 and Case Study – Plus, the Top PR Agencies, According to DesignRush NEW YORK (PRWEB) AUGUST 12, 2020 The global public relations (PR) market was worth $63.8 billion in 2018 and is expected to surpass a value of $93 billion by...